Monday, 27 August 2007

Stepping back into the water

Well I had a few hours and couldn't resist picking Sibling up again, tackling a big and quite significant scene I've been pondering how best to approach over the past week or two. I have to say I'm quite happy with what I put down so far for this piece.

I've also written a little bash script which counts the total number of draft 8 words written. This evenings scribblings have totaled 433 words so far taking it from 57,431 to 57,864. Extrapolating this average word count I should finish this draft with something like 160,000 words. Which I'm really rather happy with as it's double that of draft 6 (draft 7 didn't really happen). I'm hoping to put a little running progress gizmo on the side-panel of this site, something else to distract me when needed.

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